Wednesday, March 24, 2010

investment (but we're not talking about money)

Chris & I have been among the city folk of Longmont, CO for the past few months. We will only be here for a few more. So what do you do with only a "few months"? Do we seek out a full investment into where our feet are planted for the moment, or do we keep one foot in your homeland and one in some far away dream you have?
I'm beginning to realize and hopefully understand the power there is in investment with your surroundings. Knowing someone when you walk into the local coffee shop has this weird and great feeling. I'm not just a face in the crowd. I have a connection. A friend.
But to arrive at this encounter takes the effort to have both

I've always been among the crowd to have my feet (& my heart) in two different places. But I've decided no more. (and I'm tired of doing the splits)

Investment. What does that look like? I think it starts with seeking out relationships by being involved in whatever opportunities that you come across. But there's a catch. Most of the time, well let's just say all the time, it takes effort and putting aside time for all this to happen.

I decided to volunteer at our local outreach center to encounter more people within our community & a chance to give back. I have received such a joy from being a part of such a great endeavor for the community. I now know some really awesome people. (Who I would have probably never met)

Investment. Do it. Right now. No matter where you are or how soon you'll be leaving your current spot. Make it happen. You won't regret it. Unless we're talking money. Then that's a whole different story.

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