Saturday, November 16, 2013

Serious anticipation...

So I'm still not quite caught up to real life on the blog, but this post should bring it up to speed. I left off last post having applied to UCD and waiting to hear back. I have since received an email invite to their interview day. I am very curious as to what this day is going to look like. I have gathered that they split the applicants into 2 sections, a morning and an afternoon session. They said there would be presentations, interviews with faculty, and opportunities to interact with potential future classmates. I'm hoping it's more of a get to know each other and see if this is a good fit kind of interview, and not a lets eliminate a ton of people interview. With something like 135  spots to fill, I can't imagine how they would have time to interview many more 150 people in one day.

Well anyway, the interview day is only a couple days a away now, so not much longer and some of my curiosity will be satisfied. Though I do imagine there will be yet another waiting period while the results of the interview day are tallied.

In reality, I am just stoked to have made it this far, and trust that God will guide me through all this since it was his idea in the first place :)

Oh and on a side note, I met a guy this evening at a wedding who finished his BSN at  UW (University of Wyoming) last spring. He chose to skip to Wyoming to avoid some of the nursing school bottleneck here in Colorado, and it was a great experience for him. He said he was getting job offers before he had even graduated. I have also heard that Colorado residents get a good deal on tuition there. 

Just thought I'd throw that out there while it was still fresh on my mind. 

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